
Training in the morning: start the day fit and with energy

Training in the morning is a great option that you can choose to stay in shape and to feel better during the rest of the day, since it fills the body with energy. Of course, the benefits that a morning workout…

How many calories are burned in spinning?

Spinning is a form of moderate/high intensity aerobic exercise and you probably already know that spinning is one of the most calorie burning machine exercises.  What you may not know exactly is how many calories are burned in a spinning class or training session? and…

Rowing machine What muscles does it work

Rowing machine workouts are very complete. They allow us to work deeply muscles from different parts of the body. Trunk, back, legs and arms are improved thanks to this exercise. This machine is a perfect tool for comprehensive and balanced muscle building. These…

What are the benefits of curved treadmills?

Running is one of the best physical exercises you can do to keep fit. It is no coincidence that it is one of the most practiced both outdoors and indoors. Treadmills alleviated some of the problems involved in practicing this sport outdoors. Curved treadmills…

Six Essential Foods in your Nutrition

Almonds Almonds stand out for their high calcium content, necessary in your body for strong bones, for their content of vegetable fatty acids and a large amount of potassium, essential for the transmission of nerve impulses. Almonds are rich in fiber,…

What are the benefits of spinning?

With so many benefits of spinning, it’s easy to understand why spinning has established itself as the practice of choice for those with a gym subscription. However, it is very important to practice it in the correct way, when your interest is to burn fat…

Muscle Wiki: the website that provides you with specific exercises for each muscle

Uniting the term wiki (Wikipedia) and training, Muscle Wiki has designed a web page, which exudes functionality by all ends. Thinking about the world of training and its thousands of different exercises, aimed not only at each muscle group but at…

What and what are Kegel exercises for men?

Kegel exercises for men are less well known than for women, yet they are just as important. Find out what Kegel exercises for men are for and how to do them correctly. What are Kegel exercises for men and what…

How to gain muscle mass in a healthy and safe way

Not everyone is trying to lose weight. Everybody and every person is different. While many of you are trying to lose kilos, we know that others are trying to gain weight, building muscle in a healthy way. That’s why we are here to…